Leach, Root, Fowler & Pardee

The following histories of the Leach, Root, Fowler and Pardee families are taken from a number of sources including the Mormon Church records and family resources. Most of the information has been found in more than one record and cross- referenced prior to use.

BORN 04/11/1748
DIED ??????

Caleb Leach was born on April 11, 1748. He married Sarah Fowler in Litchfield County, CT in 1775.

Sarah Fowler Leach was the daughter of Joseph Fowler and Ruth Baker. Joseph was born on January 2, 1724 and he married Ruth Baker on April 2, 1756.

Nothing further is currently known about Caleb and Sarah Leach.

BORN 12/22/1781
DIED ??????

David F. Leach was born in Torrington, Litchfield County, Connecticut. He was the son of Caleb and Sarah Fowler Leach.

He married Malvina de Graeess Pardee on June 24, 1819. Malvina was born February 16, 1795 in Stephentown, New York. She died July 16, 1860.

For further information on the Malvina’s family see the Pardee family listing.

Daniel Leach obituary 1908

Daniel Leach obituary 1908

BORN 08/12/1820
DIED 02/12/1909

Daniel Bassett Leach was born August 12, 1820 according to family records. Mormon Church records show he was born August 10, 1821 in Smithville Flats.

In the book, History of Wayne and Clay Counties, Daniel was born just outside of New York City.

Daniel married Marie Lois Root on May 19, 1840 in Bone Gap, Edwards County, Illinois. Marie Lois Root was born April 26, 1822 in Randolph County, West Virginia. She died June 8, 1912.

Daniel was a Methodist Minister for over fifty years. For ten years of that time he was a circuit riding preacher earning an average of $150.00 per year.

In 1846 his home church in Bone Gap was formed ( M.E. Church) and in April of that year he preached his first sermon in Scottsville. He served in the Civil War as a private in Company H, 126th Illinois Infantry. Promoted to Drummer he was in fifty battles and served as chaplain during this time as well.

The History of Wayne and Clay Counties described Leach as six foot four and in later life having an abundance of silver-gray hair.

He had a heavy crop of side burns which were carefully shaved away from his mouth and chin. He was also known for having a great, booming voice which could be heard for three city blocks. Rev. Leach is described in the book The History of Leech Township as someone who “was never forgotten by anyone who heard his heavy bass voice”.

The following excerpts are from a short selection of the book Yester years in Edwards County Illinois volume two by Edgar L. Dukes in 1948.

This county is proud to claim Rev. Daniel B. Leach as its own, outstanding, resident Methodist minister for half a century.

Born near New York City, he left there in 1827, at the age of eighteen, with Eben Gould, and made the overland journey of five weeks, to Yankeetown. The root family, with their attractive daughter Maria Lois, came from West Virginia and settled near.

The story of what followed is told in the Albion Journal of Feb. 18, 1909 by Ed. H. Childress, grandson of Mr. Leach.

“After a courtship of one hour and thirty minutes, [he] proposed marriage to her, and the wedding was set for her birthday, Apr. 26, 1840. On trying to secure a license at Albion, however, he was confronted with the statute that forbade a minor to wed without his father’s consent, so the wedding was delayed five weeks—or time enough to send back to New York for the necessary consent. In due time, .. the consent came and with it a Boston bill for five dollars, a curiosity in that day. The county clerk refused to take this, thinking it counterfeit. Joel Churchill, pioneer merchant of Albion, and friend of young Leach, scrutinized the bill with his “tester,” pronounced it good, and telling the young man that he could use the bill when next he went east to buy goods, he gave him silver for the amount; the change including four silver quarters, which were paid to the minister, Rev. Joseph Butler, for preforming the ceremony on May 19, 1840—the biggest amount of real money the minister had ever received for preforming a marriage. A month later, they began housekeeping in the spot where they spent their long life together.”

Concerning his religious experiences, Rev. Leach, himself, wrote when an old man:

“In the winter of 1829, being then but eight years and six months old, by the invitation of my father, I was led by him to the altar of prayer, where I consecrated myself to His service for life. Then and there I offered myself to the church, and for sixty-two years, not for a moment have I regretted the act or recalled the obligation. For fifty-two years I have been a member of the M. E. Church, and a local preacher in that church for fifty years—ten years of that time a supply on circuits at an average salary of $150. per year. Believing I have preached once for each Sabbath for fifty years, that would be 2500 times. And now, at the age of seventy years, I regret nothing save that I might have done better with more light and knowledge.”

This, however, was far from the end of his usefulness, for he continued as a supply preacher until his wonderful strength at last failed. Even then, he preached as he sat in a chair on the rostrum.

In 1846, he became a member of the first M. E. Church organized in this county: his home-church at Bone Gap. It was in April of this same year he preached his first sermon. This was at Old Scottsville, about nine miles southwest of Albion. Some later pastorates were at Albion, Clay City, Louisville, Phillipstown, New Burnside, Mt. Carmel, Metropolis, and Jonesboro.

He neither used tobacco nor drank liquor: he having signed the temperance pledge on his father’s table in New York, at the age of nine. This seems most remarkable, at that time, when liquor was as common as groceries, in frontier stores, and was passed around at all sorts of public gatherings, even the “last day of school.” No doubt the temptation became stronger when he marched away to the Civil War as a private in Co. H, 26th Ills. Vol. Infantry. Promoted to the position of drummer, he was in fifty battles, and served as chaplain during much of the time.

If I were able to paint such a masterpiece as Sargent’s Frieze of the Prophets, I should paint into it the figure of Daniel Leach, as my ideal Moses. Many times, in the 1880’s, I have seen him stand beside the pulpit in Simpson and Union Churches: a big man, in every sense of the word—his whole being and attitude radiating dignity and power.

Fully six feet four inches high, he stood; his body erect as befitted his military training. His face was that of a scholar, and was crowned with an abundance of hair, which, when I knew him, was silver-gray. The high forehead was emphasized by deep set eyes, looking sharply out from below heavy eyebrows fully an inch in length. The well-shaped nose was large, and wide-open nostrils were indispensable to the clearness and strength of his voice, which, it is said, could be heard for three city blocks, when he addressed the Fourth of July or other occasions. A heavy crop of sideburns which were carefully shaved away from his mouth and chin, flowed down each side of his face; two white points resting, a foot below the broad shoulders, on the long, black frock-coat, buttoned so carefully across his chest. One hand rested on the open Bible lying on the pulpit: the other, thrust into the bosom of his coat.

But it was not alone in his looks that he was unique. His great, booming voice would go on for hours, from his upraised face that never even glanced at notes or Bible, as he recited chapter after chapter, in his sermon and in his prayers, until one might conclude he knew the Bible completely “by heart.”

Some of his sermons were preserved on cylinder records of an old-style phonograph; and, by his own request, a record he had made by reciting the last verses of Jude, his favorite benediction, was played at his funeral. His death occurred on Feb. 12, 1909. Here follows—the benediction.

Now, unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the throne of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and prayer, both now and forever. Amen


E. L. Dukes, in the 1948 publication of Yester-years in Edwards County, stated “This County is proud to claim The Reverend Daniel Bassett Leach as its own”.

Born August 10, 1821 in Smithville Flats, New York, Daniel Leach was a descendant of Lawrence Leach who arrived on the Talbert from England in 1629, sent by the Massachusetts Bay Company.

In the winter of 1829, led by his father to the alter of prayer, in later life stated, “I have given myself to God and never once have I regretted it or rebelled”.

At the age of eighteen, young Leach along with Ebon Gould arrived in Edwards County, IL in an open carriage. The journey from New York had taken five weeks.

Later, he met Lois Maria Root, who was born in what is now West Virginia. Her family, after spending time in Ohio, had sailed down the Ohio River on a flat boat to Evansville, Indiana. Maria was a descendant of John Root who had arrived from England in 1640. Their plans to marry on her birthday, April 26, were delayed due to needing parental consent for young Leach. When it came, a Boston bill was enclosed, a curiosity in those days. The young couple settled one mile east of Bone Gap to live out their lives.

On Maria’s 90th birthday, a great-grand-daughter, Maria Evelyn Belle, was born to Lloyd W. and Bessie White Sims. The name Maria is still used by her descendants.

Reverend Leach was a lifelong Republican and a member of the Methodist Church. He was also a local preacher for many years. His first sermon was delivered at Old Scottsville in Leach Township, Wayne County, IL in 1846. Among the churches he served were Clay City, Louisville and Mt. Carmel. A chapel located in Golden Gate is named in his honor.

He left a family of ten children, to be cared for by their mother, when the call of duty came from his country and enlisted at Olney, Illinois, November 1861. A few battles he took part in were Missionary Ridge, The Vicksburg Campaign and the siege of Corinth and Madrid.

Twelve children were born to this union. At the time of his death in 1909, his widow and nine children were surviving. Maria Leach died in June, 1912.

The Bone Gap Church complied with the request that he be allowed to pronounce the benediction at his own funeral. The mourners were startled to hear the familiar voice on a gramophone. The recording had been made three years before his death. Included were verses from the Book of Jude with which, as a minister, he had closed his sermons.

At the conclusion of funeral services for Maria Root Leach the familiar voice was heard again. Maria Root Leach was buried beside her companion of a long married life in the Bone Gap Cemetery.

By Ursell Sims
History of Edwards County, Illinois
Article F324

Further information on Marie’s family will be found in the Root Family history as well as the Bass, Burr and Copeland family section of this website.

BORN 01/02/1845
DIED 08/13/1908

Ulissa was born on January 2, 1845 and died August 13, 1908. She was married to Elias Clark.

Further information can be found in the Clark section of the family history.

BORN 1606
DIED 1684

John Root Jr. was the son of John Root and Mary Russell. He was born in Bagby, Northamptonshire, England in 1606.

He married Mary Kilbourne in 1640 at Farmington, Hartford County, CT. Mary was born in 1619 in Cambridgeshire, England. She died sometime between 1684 and 1692 in Farmington, Ct.

Mary’s parents were Thomas Kilbourn, born May 8, 1578 in Wood Ditton, Cambridge County, England and Frances Moody who was born Moultan, Cambridge County, England. Thomas died on December 25, 1640 in Wethersfield, CT. Frances died in November of 1650 in Wethersfield, CT. as well. John Root died in 1684 in Farmington, Ct.

BORN 1642
DIED 1687

John was born in 1642 and married Mary Ashley on October 18, 1664. Mary was born in 1641 and was the daughter of Ricard Ashley of Springfield, MA.

They settled in Westfield and he became a freeman in 1669. They had 5 daughters and 3 sons all still alive 1710.

BORN 09/16/1675
DIED 1756

Samuel Root was born in 1675 and married Mary Gunne. He died in 1756 in Westfield, MA. Nothing further is currently known about Samuel and Mary.

BORN 1721
DIED 1790

Martin Root was born in 1721 and married Eunice Lamb. He died in 1790. No further information is currently known about Martin and Eunice.

BORN 1753
DIED 1822

Martin was born in 1753 and he married Lois Smith. Martin died in 1822.

BORN 1795
DIED 1848

Linus Root was born in 1795 and married Martha Burr. Martha was born February 7, 1804 in Massachusetts and died on July 14, 1890. CLICK HERE to see the grave site of Martha Burr.

Martha’s parents were John Burr and Mary (Polly) Copeland. John Burr was born on May 17, 1769 and he died December 30, 1850 in West Virginia. John married Mary (Polly) Copeland who was born on March 18, 1771 and died April 12, 1843.

Linus died in 1848 in Bone Gap, Edwards County, Illinois.

Linus and Martha’s daughter was Marie Lois Root who married Rev. Daniel Bassett Leach.

BORN ????
DIED 1301

Reginaldus Le-Fowler of Shryvenham, County Berks, England died in the 29th year of King Edward I.

BORN 1269 to 1270
DIED ??????

Johannes was born prior between 1269 and 1270 in Shryvenham, England and was 32 years old at the time of his fathers death.

BORN ????
DIED ????

John LE Flower was married to Isabel Foxley in 1315. Isabel’s father was Sir Thomas Foxley of Foxley County, Berks, England. Thomas died in 1360 at the age of 55.

BORN Before 1320
DIED After 1361

John Fowler was born prior to 1320 and resided in Shryvenham, County Berks, England.

John is listed in his brother-in-laws will dated April 23, 1361. His brother-in-law was Richard de Hartlegh. John received 100 geneva florins to assist John in finding his son, if living.

BORN About 1350
DIED Between 1399 and 1413

John Fowler was also from Shryvenham, County Bucks, England. John was married to Margaret Loveday between 1375 and 1380.

John acquired an estate in Bucks, which he named Foxley. He died during the reign of King Henry IV.

BORN Before 1380
DIED ??????

Henry Fowler of Foxley was married to Elizabeth or Isabel Barton sometime prior to 1400. Ms. Barton was the heiress of John Barton of Castle House County Bucks, Lipscombe’s Buckinhampshire, England.

Henry used the Barton coat of arms as did his heirs until 1520.

BORN About 1400
DIED About 1452

Sir William Fowler of Foxley and Castle House was born about 1400.

William was married to Cecelia Englesfield. Cecelia’s parents were Nicholas Englesfield and Johanna Clark of Rycote County, Oxford, England.

Sir William is buried in Saint Dunstan Chapel, Westminster Abbey, England.

BORN About 1445
DIED ????

William was born about 1445 in Foxley County, Bucks, England. He was a joint owner or tenant of Manor of Cleware, County Berks which formerly belonged to Sir John Foxley of Foxley.

BORN ????
DIED ????

BORN Before 1500
DIED 1540

Roger was born prior to 1500 in Foxley County, Bucks, England. He married Johanna Harman. He died 1540 in Bisley, England.

Roger Fowler’s will mentions he had ten children and lands he owned in Salop Derby, Bucks County, Birks County and Glouchester, England.

BORN Before 1520
DIED ?????

Thomas was born prior to 1520 in Bisley County, England.

BORN About 1550
DIED 1626

William was born around 1550 in Bisley County, Glouchester, England and died in 1626 in Litchfield. His wife’s name may have been Edith since his only daughter was named Edith

At some point William lived on a estate in Dalbury Lees at Derbyshire referred to in his Grandfathers will.

BORN ????
DIED 1645

John Fowler was born in Dalbury Lees, England. He was married to Frances Webb. John and Frances had eight children. His will mentions son William was already out of the county at the time of his father’s death.

BORN ????
DIED 01/25/1660 OR 1661

William Fowler was born in Burmingham, England. His wife’s name was Sarah.

William sailed from Boston on March 30, 1638 for Quinnipiac, the Indian name for New Haven. He resided there for a year or more and attended a famous meeting in Mr. Newman’s barn on June 14, 1639. After this meeting the constitution and policy of New Haven was agreed upon.

In the spring of 1639 the settlement of Milford was arraigned and William is the first named trustee. At the first meeting of the Milford Company he was chosen one of the Judges.

The Milford Church was organized in 1639 and he was elected one of the seven Pillars.

William was elected magistrate of New Haven and Milfort, Ct. and served as a magistrate being reappointed yearly to 1654.

William died January 25, 1660 or 1661 in Guilford, CT.

BORN 1635
DIED 09/14/1676

John Fowler was born in 1635 and was married to Mary Hubbard. They were married and resided in Milford, CT.

On May 26, 1658 he was appointed collector of the customs and excise in New Haven. He was chosen deputy to the General Court at New Haven in 1661, 1663 and 1664 and was a delegate 27 times to the General Court at Hartford after the union of the colonies. He was one of the first deacons of the Church in Gilford, being chosen between 1662 and 1665.

For his services to the Colony he was given 100 acres in Cochin-Chang, now Durham.

John died on September 14, 1676 in Guilford, CT. and Mary died on April 13, 1713.

BORN 1654
DIED 12/ 1735

John Fowler was born in 1654 and was married to Ann Johnson the daughter of William Johnson.. Ann was born in 1662 and died in 1702.

He remarried to Hannah Norton who died October 22, 1739 John had seven children all by his first wife.

John was a farmer who died in December 1735.

BORN 1689
DIED 12/08/1769

Joseph was born in 1689 and married Elizabeth Buck on September 13, 1719. They had five children.

Elizabeth was born on February 16, 1691 and she died on February 28, 1778. Joseph died December 8, 1769.

BORN 01/02/1724
DIED ??????

Joseph Fowler was born on January 2, 1724 and married Ruth Baker on April 2, 1756.

Sarah Fowler married Calab Leach. For further see the Leach family history

BORN 1561
DIED 02/07/1656 or 1657

John Pardee was born in 1561 in Uffcuine, Devon, England. He died in London, England on February 7, 1656 or 1657.

BORN 07/27/1591
DIED 01/14/1645 or 1646

Anthony Pardee was born on July 27, 1591 in Uffcuine, Devon, England. He was married on May 3, 1614 to Anstince Cox at Pitminster, England. Anthony died January 14, 1645 or 1646 in Saint Mary’s P.S., England.

BORN 02/19/1624
DIED About 1700

George Pardee was born on February 19, 1624 in Pitminister, England. He was married to Martha Miles, daughter of Richard Miles on October 20, 1650. He married his second wife Catherine Lane on December 29, 1662 in New Haven, CT.

Catherine was born between 1630 and 1632. Her father’s name was John Lane.

George’s third wife was Mercy Ball who he married February 10, 1675. George died in April 1700 in New Haven, CT. at age 71.

BORN 04/27/1664
DIED After 1742

Joseph was born on April 27, 1664 in New Haven, CT. He was married to Elizabeth Yale whose uncle started Yale University. They were married on January 30, 1689 in New Haven, CT.

Elizabeth was born on January 29, 1667 or 1668 in New Haven, CT. She died September 19, 1702.

Elizabeth’s parents were Thomas and Mary Turner Yale. Thomas was born between 1615 and 1619 in Wales, England. Mary was born about 1627 in New Haven, CT.

They were married in 1645 in New Haven, CT. He died March 27, 1683 and Mary died October 15, 1704. Joseph remarried after Elizabeth’s death to Elizabeth Paine on December 2, 1703.

BORN 02/06/1697
DIED 07/13/1766

John Pardee was born on February 6, 1697 in New Haven, CT. He married Betsey Horn before 1722.

Betsey was born in 1699 in Bristol, England. She died January 8, 1762 in Sharon, CT. He died July 13, 1766 in Sharon, CT.

BORN 10/31/1722
DIED 08/01/1806

Thomas Pardee was born October 31, 1722 in Norwalk, CT. He was married to Wealthon Cook. He died in Sharon, CT.

BORN 07/26/1757
DIED 10/17/1795

Calvin Pardee was born on July 26, 1757 in Sharon, Litchfield County, CT. He was married to Rachel Johnson. They married on February 19, 1778 at Sharon, Litchfield County, CT.

Rachel was born on November 13, 1759 in Oblong, New York. She died June 28, 1847 in Hancock, MA.

Calvin died October 27, 1795 in Steventown, New York.

BORN 02/16/1795
DIED 07/16/1860

Malvina was born on February 16,1795 in Steventown, New York. She married David Fowler Leach. She died July 16, 1860. For futher information see the Leach family history.