John & Mary Clark
John and Mary Clark
John and Mary Clark
John and Mary Clark in front of 404 Jersey Street, Brighton, Il.
James M. Davis house owned by John R. Clark from 1955 – 1963
Vote for John Clark business card
Primary ballot, 1956
John Clark political announcement 1956
Article mentioning John Clark, April 11, 1956
John Clark certificate from William G. Stratton
Andrew Wolfley obit
Clark fire 1963
Clark reunion 1962
John Clark discharged
John Clark to study in Baltimore
Mary Wolfley weds
John R. Clark at 141 Armored Signal Company, Fort Hood Texas
John R. Clark in Army Uniform
Mary Clark
Alton Evening Telegraph – September 17, 1956
Jacksonville Daily Journal January 20, 1956
Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1956
Alton Evening Telegraph, August 11, 1950
Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1960
Alton Evening Telegraph –
September 6, 1961
The Jacksonville Daily Journal, September 2, 1950
Alton Evening Telegraph October 3, 1951
John R. Clark, Signal Corp Training
John R. Clark certificate of training U.S. Army Signal Corps training
Sarasota Herald-Tribune – May 6, 2018
Carrollton Gazette-Patriot October 1997
Sarasota Herald-Tribune October 19, 1997
Wolfleys visit Texas 1952
2017 John and Megan wedding
1953 – Mary and Alan Clark, Victor’s yard, Carrollton
1953 Alan and John Clark, Carrollton
1960 Sportsman Park, St Louis – Alan bottom center – Dad top Left
1975 Dad, Alan and Andy
1996 – Alan, Mom and Dad, St Louis Missouri
Mary Elizabeth Wolfley
John R. Clark license